Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Believe It Or Not

Ernest Meets Jurassic Park in The Invisible Raptor

I acknowledge that I belong to a niche audience that appreciates absurd horror films, and I have come to terms with this aspect of my identity. I enjoy what some might call B-rated horror films, such as Zombeavers, which I… Continue Reading →

Expedition Bigfoot: Hunting a Cryptid

What does it mean to hunt for a cryptid? By its definition alone, this is an animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated. So, how, exactly, can you judge a series that successfully tracks one?

Robert Ripley: A Curious Man

Per Matt Robert Ripley’s rags-to-riches journey becoming one of America’s first media celebrities is almost as bizarre as some of his unusual (but truthful) cartoons.

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