Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Bradley Fuller

A Quiet Place is Not a Thinking Man’s Horror Film

If you haven’t seen A Quiet Place, you might not want to read this article. I’m about to spoil the movie. There really isn’t another way for me to effectively talk about this film. You see, on the surface, it’s an… Continue Reading →

Enjoying the Silence of A Quiet Place

I’ve never heard a movie theater so tense and quiet. A hush was over the rest of the audience, as if the slightest sound could doom the characters on screen. Then something would happen, the tension would break, everyone in… Continue Reading →

Ouija: Origin of Evil Conjures Nostalgia

So, a priest, a 9-year-old and a Ouija board walk into a bar… and basically, that sums up the second installment of Ouija. I actually really enjoyed the film. It was a great improvement from the original. It was definitely… Continue Reading →

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