Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag crime boss

Batman — The Telltale Series: An Innovative Exploration of the Batman Mythos

Ten minutes passed after the game concluded and I couldn’t stop thinking about my choices and their ramifications. I looked at the screen as it displayed my key decisions compared to the thousands of others who’ve already played through Episode… Continue Reading →

Zootopia Reinterprets the Animal Kingdom

Per Matt When a film features SEVEN writers, three directors and undergoes a major rewrite, its troubled production schedule generally receives a bit of bad publicity. But when the movie in question is an animated Disney release, all possible negatives… Continue Reading →


Per Matt Sicario translates as a “hitman” in Spanish. In the Lionsgate movie of the same name, it takes a certain type of personality to tackle the war on drugs near the Mexico-U.S. border, one which meshes perfectly with the… Continue Reading →

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