Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Crown Publishing Group

Ready Player One? Ready for Nostalgia!

Per Matt When a friend asked me the premise for Ready Player One, I sarcastically replied with the following two sentences: Have you ever heard of Steven Spielberg? And have you ever played a video game before?

Food: A Love Story

Per Matt Thanksgiving, Christmas and possibly New Year’s Eve: They’re all holidays that are closely associated with food. Since the holiday season is wrapping up on New Year’s Day, what better time to review Food: A Love Story?

Crap Taxidermy

Per Matt If you ever wondered what an earless snow leopard, a snaggletoothed bat or the ultra-rare Assquatch looked like, then wonder no more. All of this and many more oddly stuffed critters from all over the world appear in… Continue Reading →

The Harlem Hellfighters

Per Matt Taking a break from the Zombie genre, author Max Brooks focuses his attention on a little-known military unit that fought prejudices and battles both on and off the battlefield.

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