Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Don Stradley

Film Masters Reintroduces Door-to-Door Maniac and Right Hand of the Devil!

In all of my years watching and enjoying movies, I never would have guessed that the Johnny Cash-Ronnie Howard team-up was just the pairing I needed to make my day. On August 27th, Film Masters will release a double dose… Continue Reading →

Film Masters Debuts a Double Bill of Cult Classics

Per Matt Less is more. That simple cultural proverb has been attributed to a variety of people throughout history, but it was absolutely taken to heart by filmmaker Ray Kellogg. Primarily known for his groundbreaking special-effects work in blockbusters during… Continue Reading →

Claude Rains Brings Gravitas to Battle of the Worlds

Per Matt In 1961, a little-known low-budget sci-fi film from Italy (Il Pianeta Degli Uomini Spenti) was released as Battle of the Worlds in the United States. Claude Rains headlined a mostly English-speaking ensemble that faced an interplanetary threat to… Continue Reading →

Monster From Green Hell Stings of Gigantic Fears

Per Matt Wasps. I’ve had terrible luck with the insects throughout my life. While I’ve never been stung by a bee (knock on wood), I’ve been stung my many wasps, hornets and the like in different situations. (I’m usually unaware… Continue Reading →

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