Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Eureka

Cancelling Manifest Won’t Keep a Bad Conspiracy Down for Long

Per Matt Maybe we, as an audience, are being tested, much like the characters of Manifest. How many tall tales and zany conspiracy theories can we tolerate, along with so many slow-to-develop storyline resolutions with poorly written characters? Time travel,… Continue Reading →

Alabama Phoenix Festival Interview: Chris Pope of Guys From Andromeda

Per Matt Chris Pope (also known as The SpacePope) recently made a brief appearance at the Alabama Phoenix Festival to promote the upcoming game, SpaceVenture. As a co-founder of Guys From Andromeda LLC, Chris is hard at work, getting the… Continue Reading →

Alabama Phoenix Festival Interview: Colin Ferguson

Per Matt It was a thrill to interview Colin Ferguson recently at the Alabama Phoenix Festival, which was his first appearance at the convention, as well as his first-ever visit to the city of Birmingham. After we spoke, he hosted… Continue Reading →

Surviving the Alabama Phoenix Festival 2013

Per Matt I was a little unsure what to expect from the Alabama Phoenix Festival since I’d never attended this convention before (or any other convention in Alabama, for that matter). Thankfully, it was an amazing convention with a lot… Continue Reading →

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