Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Felicia Day

MST3K’s Return Doesn’t Miss a Step

It’s hard to believe that it has been 18 years since Mystery Science Theater 3000 has been on the air. And just by using the first three episodes of the new season as a barometer, the show barely believes it,… Continue Reading →

Five Episodes to Prepare You for MST3K’s Return

On April 14th, after nearly 20 years, a new season of the groundbreaking series Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K) will be making its debut. Fourteen new episodes are set to launch on Netflix, adding to the already existing 197 (and one feature… Continue Reading →

Previewing Dragon Con 2015

Per Matt With Dragon Con almost here, it’s about time to release your inner geek!

Alabama Phoenix Festival Interview: Chris Pope of Guys From Andromeda

Per Matt Chris Pope (also known as The SpacePope) recently made a brief appearance at the Alabama Phoenix Festival to promote the upcoming game, SpaceVenture. As a co-founder of Guys From Andromeda LLC, Chris is hard at work, getting the… Continue Reading →

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