Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag flawed relationships

Sherry’s Return Highlights Fear’s Relationships

Relationships can be a glorious or a disastrous thing for TV shows. Viewers can tell when popular characters are forced into romantic situations. It’s a thing that can absolutely destroy the chemistry between actors, creating a situation that could lead… Continue Reading →

Is Charlie Kaufman Really Thinking of Ending Things?

Per Matt I’ll admit, throughout the years, I’ve become somewhat obsessed with the writer, Charlie Kaufman (not to be confused with the director, Charlie Kaufman). Being John Malkovich was a pure joy. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was terribly… Continue Reading →

Unpacking Mother!

One of my favorite activities in a theater is listening to my fellow audience members as I head toward the nearest exit. As an occasional critic, I’ve found that listening to the audience’s reaction to a film is just as… Continue Reading →

Mother! is Probably Not the Movie You Thought You Were Going to See

I am not sure why Mother! has been marketed the way that is has, perhaps simply because they had no idea how to market the film. Actually, I’m not even sure how this movie got made. It almost felt like… Continue Reading →

Teaming Up For a Call to Adventure

With the saturation of the superhero genre in popular culture, it was only a matter of time before Rick and Morty got in on the action.

Worst Laid Plans: A Troma #HauntLife Review

What if you found out that the shop you and your friends run is three months behind on rent? What if you only had a week to come up with $7,000 to save your business? What level of stupidity would… Continue Reading →

Rapture, Blister, Burn by Nashville Repertory Theatre

Per Matt The road to happiness can be long and winding. It’s a difficult path, for some. As evidenced in Rapture, Blister, Burn, it can be both a bonding experience, as well as a fracturing one.

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