Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Giant Beast

Film Masters Truly Gets Tormented

Per Matt Nothing spells doom for a budding relationship quite like a supernatural curse from beyond the grave… or a visit from the Mystery Science Theater 3000 crew! Film Masters makes waves with a newly restored version of Tormented, which… Continue Reading →

Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color Deserves More Recognition!

Per Matt Poor Japan. Always getting destroyed by Godzilla. For almost 70 years now, as soon as the behemoth rose out of the Pacific Ocean for the very first time, the kaiju has spawned a film franchise, as well as… Continue Reading →

Godzilla: King of the Monsters Misses the Mark

Imagine, as a monster-film fan, hearing that some of the biggest names in the genre are going to combine into one epic movie to crown the true king of the monsters. Imagine hearing legendary names like Godzilla, Rhodan, King Ghidorah… Continue Reading →

Shin Godzilla Rocks the Japanese Box Office, But Does It Survive #HauntLife?

Shin Godzilla (or Godzilla Resurgence) slammed into Japanese theaters last year with thunderous applause and very high reviews. With the new film Kong: Skull Island releasing into theaters this weekend, this episode of #HauntLife is going to delve into my… Continue Reading →

Redbox Rental: Pacific Rim

In a battle of giant beasts vs. massive robots, the survival of humanity lies in the balance.

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