Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag hitchhiker

I always approach A24 films cautiously. While most of the movies from the studio offer an experimental approach, sometimes the themes leave me feeling a certain type of undesirable way. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely appreciate this level of… Continue Reading →

Film Masters Debuts a Double Bill of Cult Classics

Per Matt Less is more. That simple cultural proverb has been attributed to a variety of people throughout history, but it was absolutely taken to heart by filmmaker Ray Kellogg. Primarily known for his groundbreaking special-effects work in blockbusters during… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead: Arrow on the Doorpost

In this episode of The Walking Dead, titled Arrow on the Doorpost, Daryl still has his loud (Walker attracting) motorcycle. So, he’s a bad boy. If the bad boy wants to survive the zombie apocalypse, he should probably own a… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead: Clear

Did somebody say road trip?

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