Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Skinwalker Ranch Stumbles Upon Stealthy Secrets in Season 3

A funny thing happened during the third season premiere of The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch. While collecting scientific data, the team actually found something strange! Dropping GPS trackers about a mile above The Triangle through an area where the team… Continue Reading →

Quarantine Life Provokes More Ghost Adventures

Per Matt What happens to paranormal investigators who rile up dark entities during the high-panic and high-anxiety times of a pandemic? That’s a topic the Ghost Adventures Crew hopes to explore during the four-part miniseries, Quarantine: Perimeter of Fear.

Discovery Channel’s How Will The World End?

It’s the End of the World, as we know it… but how will it really end? The Mayans were way off. This psuedo-documentary presents five possible cataclysmic scenarios that might actually happen… at some point.

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