Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Justin Lin

2016’s Five Best Geek Films

Ranked? Hell no. You can’t rank your favorites! 2016 was so chock-full of geek movie goodness and more box-office action for us nerd kids than you could count in short order. Instead, I’ve selected five films in categories which defined… Continue Reading →

Space: The Geeky Frontier at the Adventure Science Center’s Way Late Play Date

In the latest gathering of fun-loving sci-fi fans at the Adventure Science Center’s Way Late Play Date, fans of the two most beloved space epics joined together to celebrate in the theme of the evening, “Star Wars vs. Star Trek.”… Continue Reading →

Star Trek Keeps on Trekkin’

Star Trek had a big week.

New Trek Takes Us Well Beyond the Previous Sequel

This summer is just littered with gifts of good geeky movies rising above the cynicism and low expectations. Star Trek Beyond is the latest to do just that. It’s not perfect, of course, but it certainly tops the prior installment’s… Continue Reading →

I Hate Star Trek Into Darkness, But Can’t Wait for Beyond

When the first entry in the new series of Star Trek films hit theaters in 2009, it was was a much-needed breath of fresh air. By simultaneously serving as a sequel, prequel and reboot to the franchise, it made Trek… Continue Reading →

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