Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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You Better Watch Out, ‘Cause Krampus is Coming to Town: A Christmas Horror Story Review

If you are the kind of person who enjoys horror anthologies, A Christmas Horror Story will be a fun, cozy watch this Christmas. Slightly nontraditional to the anthology format, the directors interweave each story. So, you watch a few minutes… Continue Reading →

Beer with a Brewmaster: Linus Hall

Per Matt When people mention Nashville craft beer, one of the first modern-day breweries to come to mind is usually Yazoo. Middle Tennessee is currently enjoying a thriving craft-beer scene and the brewery has helped foster that prosperous culture throughout… Continue Reading →

What’s Brewing at Mantra Artisan Ales

Per Matt When a celebrity chef joins forces with a mad-scientist brewmaster, the results will surely create a craft-beer paradise.

Beer with a Brewmaster: Scott Swygert

Per Matt Scott Swygert is an incredible multitasker. Not only is he the founder of Honky Tonk Brewing Co. but as the only full-time employee of the brewery, he also sells, brews, delivers, cleans, welds and does anything else necessary… Continue Reading →

Nashville Geek Life Interview: Brianna Reed

Per My Brother Brianna Reed realized the need to organize the local geek community. With the creation of Nashville Geek Life, she hopes to spread the word that Nashville has many local geek-friendly events, including conventions, meet-up groups and unconferences…. Continue Reading →

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