Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Louisana

Amazon’s New Niche: Sports Docs

In a few days, the Philadelphia Eagles face off against the Kansas City Chiefs in a title rematch from two years ago that takes place in New Orleans for Super Bowl LIX. As a lifelong football fan, I’ve watched each… Continue Reading →

A King Like Me Offers a Beacon of Hope at the 55th Nashville Film Festival

It’s late summer here in Nashville, Tennessee, and that brings a few things to mind. It’s the final stretch for enjoying a summer getaway. It also means the little one is back in school, taking steps toward greater independence from… Continue Reading →

The Bogeyman Visits Blumhouse’s House on the Bayou

Per Matt Beware the bogeyman: He (or she) may appear wearing any imaginable disguise at the most inopportune moments. Up to no good, you’d better think fast on your feet when dealing with this menace, especially when there’s no neighbors… Continue Reading →

He Was the Son of a Preacher, Man

Voodoo. A Night of the Living Dead. God is still missing. Witches. Escaping Hell. Possessing a supernatural organism. Adolf Hitler. Being haunted by the ghosts of your dysfunctional family’s past. Oh, and an Irish vampire who really likes to party…. Continue Reading →

Deep South Paranormal

Deep South Paranormal attempts to get proof of the paranormal from a different perspective. These self-proclaimed rednecks ghost hunt everything from the bayou to haunted plantations and everything in between.

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