Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag machinima

What is Halo: Outpost Discovery?

Part fan event, part touring experience, part amusement park and part video game convention, Halo: Outpost Discovery looks to offer a new type of event for fans of the science-fiction franchise.

Justice League: Gods and Monsters

In an alternate reality, the Justice League is considered a group of terrorists who are not only feared by evildoers, but also the entire population at large. Wonder Woman is a New God who fled to Earth after Darkseid’s entire… Continue Reading →

MTAC Interview: LittleKuriboh

Per Matt Martin Billany, aka LittleKuriboh, visited the Media Suite at the 2014 Middle Tennessee Anime Convention for an interview discussing starting a trend (and creating many imitators in the process) with Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series, his first serious video… Continue Reading →

Rooster Teeth Interview: Geoff Ramsey

Per Matt Rooster Teeth is synonymous with Halo and Geoff Ramsey has been a major contributor to that cause.

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