The Deadpool movies have garnered a massive following due to their unique blend of irreverent humor, high-octane action and a charismatic antihero who breaks all the rules. Ryan Reynolds’ portrayal of Deadpool is pitch-perfect, delivering rapid-fire quips and meta-references that… Continue Reading →
Ryan Reynolds has one of the most “geek and gamer approved” resumes in Hollywood. Reynolds continues to shine as a beacon of light in the nerd community, an actor who looks like he was destined for romantic comedies, playing the… Continue Reading →
After the glorious disruptive success of the first film, the Merc With A Mouth has returned to cinemas in Deadpool 2, and this time he’s brought along some friends.
Deadpool & Wolverine Breathes New Life Into the MCU
The Deadpool movies have garnered a massive following due to their unique blend of irreverent humor, high-octane action and a charismatic antihero who breaks all the rules. Ryan Reynolds’ portrayal of Deadpool is pitch-perfect, delivering rapid-fire quips and meta-references that… Continue Reading →