Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Merc with a Mouth

The Gorge Generates a Creepy, Crazy, Sexy Story

The Gorge brings Scott Derrickson, Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy together, and I’ve got to say, I’m thankful because it feels like these filmmakers haven’t been featured in too many Hollywood projects lately and this feels like a comeback project,… Continue Reading →

Bob’s Burgers Writers Serve Up Deadpool 3 Script

Does a Deadpool sequel, brought to you by the primary writers of Bob’s Burgers whet your appetite for more big-screen high jinx from The Merc with a Mouth? Corporate overlord Walt Disney Pictures hopes to serve comedy fans, as well… Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure: Logan

Per Matt What would the Wolverine film franchise look like, had Marvel not sold off the big-screen rights to the popular comic book character? And would Marvel Studios have EVER taken the chance to tell the tale known as Logan?

X Gonna Give It To Ya, In Deadpool 2

After the glorious disruptive success of the first film, the Merc With A Mouth has returned to cinemas in Deadpool 2, and this time he’s brought along some friends.

Where Does Deadpool Fit Into the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Preparing for the ridiculous roller coaster that is sure to be Deadpool 2, I wondered to myself: As soon as Disney’s purchase of FOX finalizes, how many of the current big-screen superhero projects will actually continue or will they all… Continue Reading →

Defining Deadpool: A Sarcastic Superhero’s Portrayal

Per Matt A lot of people are already throwing around the words “game changer” in reference to the upcoming FOX movie that breaks the fourth wall, but I wholeheartedly disagree. After attending a media screening for Deadpool last week, I… Continue Reading →

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