Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag MGM International TV Productions

Blink Twice is a Twisty Thriller You Need to See

Blink Twice is a psychological thriller that marks the directorial and producing debut of Zoë Kravitz, a highly regarded actress I greatly enjoy. As the daughter of iconic figures Lisa Bonet and Lenny Kravitz, she has carved out a successful… Continue Reading →

A Spy Among Friends Celebrates the Intelligence Community

Per Matt Growing up, Spy vs. Spy was one of my favorite features of MAD magazine. Back in the day, I loved the wily White Spy and the bad-ass Black Spy. Each one seemed to be more familiar with their… Continue Reading →

Sylvester Stallone is a True Superhero in Samaritan

If you have followed this blog for any amount of time, you may see that I hardly ever review movies and shows by Amazon Studios. While I sit here thinking about what I have seen on the streaming service, I… Continue Reading →

From Finale Gets Weird… Even for EPIX

Per Matt Whenever a storyline gets weird… I dig it. And should that story straddle multiple genres, I enjoy it all the more. If it somehow ventures into the gross-out category (such as body horror), I tend to shy away…. Continue Reading →

EPIX Gives Billy the Kid a Sympathetic, Vengeful Backstory

Per Matt The wild, wild West has always fascinated me. I’ve enjoyed all sorts of Western tales throughout the years, with True Grit and 3:10 to Yuma being a couple of favorites (along with their remakes), as well as Eastwood’s… Continue Reading →

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