Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag millennial

As a Requel, Scream Doesn’t Cut Deep

Per Matt Twenty-six years is a long time for a killer movie franchise to survive. I mean, L-O-N-G. New blood is necessary when trying to remain innovative within the horror genre for such a timespan, especially when it comes to… Continue Reading →

The Deep House Dives for Underwater Terror

Per Matt Millennials and their social media these days. Just about everything they do revolves around page views and videos watched, always carefully calculating and crafting their online presence. But when you’ve got a relatively young couple looking to break… Continue Reading →

The Beastie Boys Story Doesn’t End With Doc

Per Matt For me, the Beastie Boys will always harken back to the Sixth Grade, when my middle-school class was offered the possibility to visit Washington D.C. with the school’s upperclassmen. On our 700-plus-mile trip, a jam box appeared within… Continue Reading →

Belushi Doc Brings the Fame, Pain and Shame

For most people, celebrity is fleeting. Sometimes it can take years, decades and even a lifetime to finally make your mark in the pop-culture zeitgeist. And then there’s the kind of people whose burning desire and work ethic seemingly create… Continue Reading →

Holiday Horror Gets Isolated in The Lodge

Per Matt When you think of a stereotypical horror movie, what kind of setting immediately pops into your mind? Is it a haunted house? A high school, perhaps? What about a summer camp? What if Purgatory was a snowy cabin… Continue Reading →

Raising Children During the Zombie Apocalypse? You’re Only Dead on the Inside!

Per Matt Fear. Terror. And worthless debit cards. These are only a few things to worry about when the undead wreak havoc during the Zombie Apocalypse. Then there’s a whole new set of rules for raising your children during this… Continue Reading →

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