Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag movie room

Tin & Tina is a Psychological Parental Nightmare

In this digital era, locating a movie tailored to your immediate preference has become exceptionally straightforward. For instance, if you’re making a romantic dinner and planning to watch a film with the object of your affection, a quick visit to… Continue Reading →

Black & Blues Documents Louis Armstrong’s Melodious Memoirs

Per Matt You may have heard that Louis Armstrong was labeled as the founding father of jazz music. He’s also been described as the “greatest influence” of the genre. Throughout his career, he was a trumpeter, a singer, a performer,… Continue Reading →

Rumble is a Spectacularly Average Kid’s Movie

I am a fan of professional wrestling. There is very little that I do not love about sports entertainment. And why would I? It has violence, freaks of nature, pageantry and colorful characters that are over the top, but still… Continue Reading →

Restoring My Faith in Cons: A Hypericon 12 Review

My first convention experience was terrible. It was a Star Trek convention at the old Nashville Convention Center in the early ’90s full of elaborate cosplays, most of which were just good enough that the 8-year-old little Danno ended up… Continue Reading →

Cosplayer of the Month: Shannon Prince

Per Matt Shannon Prince is one half of Nashville’s Dark Knight duo and she is our Cosplayer of the Month. In our interview, we discuss the couple’s charity work, preview the upcoming Geek Media Expo and prepare ourselves for the… Continue Reading →

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