Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag natural force

Apple TV+ Celebrates Earth Day With Big Beasts!

Per Matt Back in the day, long before the World Wide Web changed life as we currently know it, nature documentaries premiered with limited IMAX screenings year-round, but especially on Earth Day. I remember regularly getting excited to watch the… Continue Reading →

Tidings of Terror Tells True Season’s Greetings

For Christmas Day, I chose to briefly pause the current FYC awards season in order to watch a new program that sparked my interest purely from its title. And it only seemed natural to watch today, offering Tidings of Terror… Continue Reading →

Honey is Money for the Bee Czar!

Bees, man. If you’re not careful around the little buggers, it could easily be lights out for you. Good thing Walter Schumacher turned a passion project into a career, as the Bee Czar saves bees from people and people from… Continue Reading →

La Brea: When a Sinkhole Swallows Up SoCal

Or How NBC Chose to Replace Manifest OK, La Brea, you caught my attention when tall buildings, cars and people were suddenly swallowed up in downtown Los Angeles without warning, but I lost interest when I found way too many… Continue Reading →

We Need to Do Something Should Have Done Something Different

The horror genre has many different subgenres to choose from. It’s like Baskin Robbins: You have every flavor a scary movie fan could love. From slashers to psychological horrors, there truly is something for everyone. Like a lot of blood… Continue Reading →

Dragon Con Interview: Stephen Granade

Per Matt You can’t have science fiction without the science element and Dragon Con has plenty of it. Looking ahead, I interviewed Science Track Director Stephen Granade to preview upcoming Dragon Con events, discuss a special guest from Beakman’s World… Continue Reading →

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