Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag non-traditional haunt

The Simpsons’ Parasite: Treehouse of Horror

Per Matt Did you happen to catch “Treehouse of Horror XXXII” last week? Airing during Season 33, episode 709 touched on some killer satire to go along with the spooky season. In what has become an annual highlight of The… Continue Reading →

The Haunted South: Where Ghosts Still Roam

Per Matt True-life tales of terror tend to thrill me more than fake ones, as the truth is usually stranger than fiction. This is the reason why, once I randomly located The Haunted South: Where Ghosts Still Roam, written by… Continue Reading →

What Will Haunted Houses Look Like During the COVID Pandemic?

The Coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of things that we take for granted, here in the USA, to change. Movie theaters have been closed for months. Hollywood is paused. Outdoor activities and gatherings have been cancelled. Even the simple… Continue Reading →

Putting on a Krampus Christmas

It’s December. The official end of the haunt season is over a month in the past. Almost every single person I know is thinking about Christmas with its presents, family get-togethers, parties and religious ceremonies. And here, in the Kittrell’s… Continue Reading →

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