Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Peter Welter Soler

Soulmates Inserts Science Fiction, Fate Into the Online Dating World

As if online dating during a global pandemic wasn’t tough enough, Soulmates makes your happiness prospects seem limitless (and possibly hopeless) in the near future…

The Terminator Suffers a Dark Fate in My Guilty Pleasure

Per Matt Audiences responded after asking Will Cameron’s Return Terminate His Film Franchise? In terms of box-office results, the answer was as bleak as the filmmaker’s fate of humanity. Officially considered a flop after losing $130 million worldwide, this had… Continue Reading →

Game of Thrones: A Day in the Life

With so many intricate details, Game of Thrones is probably the most complex program ever to be produced for television. Preparing for Season 5, this behind-the-scenes special highlights one day, with on-location filming in three countries: Croatia, Northern Ireland and… Continue Reading →

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