Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag police department

M. Night Lays a Trap for Cinephiles

I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with M. Night Shyamalan’s movies. On one hand, his talent for crafting suspenseful atmospheres with surprising twists keeps me intrigued and coming back, hopeful for another masterpiece like The Sixth Sense or Unbreakable. But… Continue Reading →

Film Masters Reintroduces Door-to-Door Maniac and Right Hand of the Devil!

In all of my years watching and enjoying movies, I never would have guessed that the Johnny Cash-Ronnie Howard team-up was just the pairing I needed to make my day. On August 27th, Film Masters will release a double dose… Continue Reading →

Tidings of Terror Tells True Season’s Greetings

For Christmas Day, I chose to briefly pause the current FYC awards season in order to watch a new program that sparked my interest purely from its title. And it only seemed natural to watch today, offering Tidings of Terror… Continue Reading →

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Works Best When Real Life Isn’t Involved

Per Matt A funny thing happened between Season 7 and Season 8 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Real life. While the Coronavirus may have delayed the series’ production schedule pushing back the current season premiere a little later than usual, that wasn’t… Continue Reading →

Ghosts of Morgan City Haunt Louisiana

Life in Louisiana is different than other any place within the United States. The food, the people, the customs, the local legends, the superstitions… and that includes living alongside the supernatural. And if you’d believe the local police department, the… Continue Reading →

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