Welcome to the 2024 Lana Del Fear Awards! These awards are not your typical accolades; they are a carefully curated selection of films designed to entice you to explore cinematic treasures you may have missed. My selections will provide a… Continue Reading →
We have all done stuff when we were kids that we regret. When I was 8 years old, I was accused of stealing the last chocolate-chip cookie from the jar. The cookie in question, mind you, was the crown jewel… Continue Reading →
I was at Dragon Con, fully immersed in the magic of cosplay, panels and the electric buzz of geekdom that makes you feel like you’re living your best nerdy life. Life was good as I stood in line for a… Continue Reading →
Female lead characters in action films are often criticized as weak when they lack depth, agency or compelling motivations, reducing them to stereotypes rather than fully developed individuals. Strong characters like Ellen Ripley from Alien and Lara Croft from Tomb… Continue Reading →
I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with M. Night Shyamalan’s movies. On one hand, his talent for crafting suspenseful atmospheres with surprising twists keeps me intrigued and coming back, hopeful for another masterpiece like The Sixth Sense or Unbreakable. But… Continue Reading →
If you’ve ever attended the Nashville Film Festival before, you already know that this is a week-long celebration of film, music and culture. And if you don’t know much about the big event, you might not know about all of… Continue Reading →
Per Matt Five secret bank account holders face off with unknown terrorists and the deadly consequences they bring in Film Masters’ The Swiss Conspiracy Special Edition. It’s mo’ money, mo’ problems, as the collector’s edition Blu-ray and DVD will be… Continue Reading →
Spy movies consistently achieve success, appealing to a broad audience by offering a mix of elements that moviegoers crave: intrigue, mystique, action and adventure. Introducing a touch of tongue-in-cheek humor further solidifies their potential as great franchises, as evidenced by… Continue Reading →
Movies serve as a means of escapism, offering a temporary respite from the demands of reality. They allow me to suspend the real world for a few hours and immerse myself in alternate realms. I find a particular allure in… Continue Reading →
In his eighth decade, Ridley Scott displays a directorial vigor that surpasses many filmmakers half his age. Alongside Martin Scorsese, he stands as a cinematic Highlander, consistently delivering top-tier films that grace award seasons annually.
Dirty Money, Blackmail and Murder Sustain Film Masters’ Swiss Conspiracy
Per Matt Five secret bank account holders face off with unknown terrorists and the deadly consequences they bring in Film Masters’ The Swiss Conspiracy Special Edition. It’s mo’ money, mo’ problems, as the collector’s edition Blu-ray and DVD will be… Continue Reading →