Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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LeVar Burton and Scary Influencers: Welcome to the Nashville Film Festival!

The Nashville Film Festival brings out some of the big guns today, as the fest officially begins its weekend programming with a strong start. Are you a Child of the ’80s? You’ll definitely enjoy the retrospective of Butterfly in the… Continue Reading →

Who Is Negan?

There can’t be a war without any casualties and one of the best villains of The Walking Dead Universe who provides plenty of those is Negan. But, who is this character, really?

Insidious: Chapter 3

I’m always hesitant whenever a film franchise that I actually enjoy (which is rare enough) swaps out directors in subsequent installments. Sadly, the path of those future movies (as well as their overall quality) always seem to be going down… Continue Reading →

Taking Baby (Zombie) Steps…

Slowly but surely, I’m gettin’ the webpage up and running, making improvements, learning to tweet and slowly but surely, posting my reviews. I recently moved, so I’m still unpacking, but yet, I’m getting back into the groove of reading… and… Continue Reading →

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