Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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My Guilty Pleasure: It Stains the Sands Red

Zombies. Las Vegas. When crafting a story that involves the Zombie Apocalypse taking place in Sin City, it’s gotta have “sure-fire hit” written all over it. Right?

Eli Roth’s Undead History of Horror

“The Zombie Plague has infected the world, as relentless and unstoppable as the flesh-eating undead.” So ends the first episode of this documentary series, hosted by filmmaker Eli Roth.

Killer Storms Ravage Fear The Walking Dead

A storm’s a brewing on Fear The Walking Dead and it’s not just the developing storyline in Season 4.

Passage Brings a New Angle to Fear The Walking Dead

AMC has decided to go all in with their love for The Walking Dead. While the original series is still going strong, the prequel spin-off, Fear The Walking Dead, starts its third season June 4th and is already renewed for… Continue Reading →

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