Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag roy wooley

Zombies In My Blog Introduces Rick Prince!

Rick Prince is contributing as a guest writer for Zombies In My Blog! In the immortal words of LL Cool J, “I admit it, the description of the killer… I fit it.”

HAuNTcon 2016 : A Review From a Newbie

It is not often that I get excited about traveling. Don’t get me wrong: I love conventions and trade shows. I like seeing new stuff and old friends I only get to spend time with during these shows. The problem,… Continue Reading →

Dragon Con Interview: Lee Cox

Per Matt The first two words that come to mind, whenever Dragon Con is mentioned, are “cosplay” and “party,” and this year will be no different. (Most likely, there will also be a cosplay party happening, as well, at some… Continue Reading →

Previewing Walker Stalker Con Atlanta

Per Matt With Halloween on the horizon and The Walking Dead returning to television, Zombies of all types take the center stage. Happening on October 17th to 19th, Walker Stalker Con is a fan convention in Atlanta that will be… Continue Reading →

Netherworld 2013: One of Atlanta’s Most Terrifying Haunts Chills To The Bone

Friday the 13th always plagues people with superstitions, bad omens and general ominous bumps in the night. With so much bad luck and malevolence in the air, it is no wonder that Netherworld opened the doors for a limited number… Continue Reading →

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