Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Ruby Rose

Dirty Angels Fights a Treacherous Mission

Female lead characters in action films are often criticized as weak when they lack depth, agency or compelling motivations, reducing them to stereotypes rather than fully developed individuals. Strong characters like Ellen Ripley from Alien and Lara Croft from Tomb… Continue Reading →

The Meg is No Jaws

Where do I begin? Movies about large, killer animals are never good. In general, they are painfully derivative and borderline ridiculous. The one stand-out in this genre of films is the original Jaws. Trust me here, The Meg is no Jaws.

Shark Week Kills With Horror Fans

Blood. Violence. And a shot of adrenaline, coursing through your veins. Horror fans will easily recognize these elements stemming from a killer movie, but the very same qualities make Shark Week so successful.

The Meg: Jaws vs. The Transporter

Jason Statham (The Transporter) seems to be joining a cast almost as diverse as The Fast and The Furious to go up against a megalodon shark. He’s part of an aquatic research crew — which includes Cliff Curtis (Sunshine, Whale… Continue Reading →

John Wick 2: A Symphony of Carnage

I have to wonder at this point… why does anyone bother to start trouble with John Wick? It’s as if the people who live in John Wick’s world enjoy playing with fire.

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