Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Saban’s Power Rangers

Writing a Remake: Lost in Space

The new Lost in Space series on Netflix should be a lot more interesting than it is. The casting is great. The TV show is visually amazing. The special effects are fantastic, considering this isn’t a movie. Unfortunately, this show… Continue Reading →

Franchise Movies are Causing Strains for Studios

Hollywood is running out of ideas. Seriously, just look at weekend releases for most of the year and try to find two in a row without a franchise movie release. So far, we have gotten a new or debut installment… Continue Reading →

Five Episodes to Prepare You for MST3K’s Return

On April 14th, after nearly 20 years, a new season of the groundbreaking series Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K) will be making its debut. Fourteen new episodes are set to launch on Netflix, adding to the already existing 197 (and one feature… Continue Reading →

Suck A Thick Zord, Haters of Saban’s Power Rangers

In our culture, littered with trolls trying to ruin everything before anyone even gets to see it, the film buzz of the week has been the notion that “Saban’s Power Rangers is not very good.” Having seen it, I can report that… Continue Reading →

Go, Go Power Rangers!

If you grew up in the ’90s like I did, then your Saturdays more than likely included the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. It aired on Fox and told the story of five teenagers who are chosen by the mystical Zordon… Continue Reading →

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