Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag seduction

Seductively Steamy Babygirl Lets Nicole Kidman Loose

Just in time for the holiday season, Babygirl‘s December 25th release showcases dark fantasies, pulse-pounding exhilaration, sexual roleplay and workplace politics within a rigid environment. You might as well wish the ongoing awards season a Merry XXXMas!

Film Masters Reintroduces Door-to-Door Maniac and Right Hand of the Devil!

In all of my years watching and enjoying movies, I never would have guessed that the Johnny Cash-Ronnie Howard team-up was just the pairing I needed to make my day. On August 27th, Film Masters will release a double dose… Continue Reading →

Bring Back More History of Horror!

If you could go to a film school where actors, authors, film editors, critics, scholars, producers and screenwriters explained the importance of movies throughout history, you’d jump at the chance to hear Greg Nicotero, Quentin Tarantino, Stephen King, John Landis, Jason… Continue Reading →

Elena Satine is a Superhero for the Pop-Culture Crowd

You may recognize her from roles appearing in Smallville, NCIS, 24: Legacy, the recent Twin Peaks reboot or Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. She’s even appeared in a Spider-Man workshop on Broadway and Chris Cornell’s video short, among other formats, but… Continue Reading →

The Slashening is a Killer Genre Parody

The Slashening is another raunchy and boisterous take on a horror subgenre from Troma Entertainment. The story follows five young women during a night get-together who are in peril of being slashed by a masked assailant. The plot seems like… Continue Reading →

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