Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag sighting

What Happens When Nat Geo Examines UFOs?

For most of my life, National Geographic has been synonymous with picturesque far-away lands (sometimes featuring topless natives). Growing up, my family had a subscription that lasted for years. Every month we received that little, yellow-bordered magazine in the mail… Continue Reading →

How Accurate is History’s Project Blue Book?

In a world where the truth is out there, but exaggerations definitely pay the bills, History’s Project Blue Book somehow falls between the cracks.

Ghosts of Morgan City Haunt Louisiana

Life in Louisiana is different than other any place within the United States. The food, the people, the customs, the local legends, the superstitions… and that includes living alongside the supernatural. And if you’d believe the local police department, the… Continue Reading →

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