Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag sleep

Sleep is Rare in This South Korean Thriller

Sleep has become something I truly cherish in these past few years as a new mother. One thing they don’t tell you about having a newborn is the anxiety that can set in as the sun begins to go down…. Continue Reading →

No Electronics and No Sleep Haunt the Netflix Flick, Awake

Per Matt Years ago, I had a sleep disorder. I’ve always been a light sleeper, but at one point insomnia was a regular part of my life. That was definitely a difficult time for me, but with some lifestyle changes,… Continue Reading →


Per Matt Robert Kirkman, David Alpert and Norman Reedus take a break from their usual undead duties in order to take a breath of fresh Air.

Catching Up On: The Invasion

Why does this film feel familiar? Maybe because this is the fourth movie version of the book, Body Snatchers. Not to be confused by the TV show, Invasion, either movie version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers or the 1993… Continue Reading →

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