Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag super humans

Occupation: Rainfall is a Shining Gem in a Sea of Drab Netflix Offerings

Now that awards season is in its final lap, I am starting to go back to one of my guilty pleasures: watching independent, mindless action films. When I say mindless, I am not saying the cast and crew behind the… Continue Reading →

Stan Lee Makes a Wizardly Appearance in Nashville

Per Matt When the name Stan Lee is mentioned, a variety of pop-culture references come to mind. For millennials, he’s the older gentleman making cameo appearances within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For the older crowd, he might be remembered from… Continue Reading →

Helter Skelter Meets Honky Holocaust

A few weeks ago, I was given a screener for one of Troma films’ newest acquired flicks: Honky Holocaust. Jumping at the opportunity to review anything from the Kaufman group, I couldn’t wait to find time to screen what would… Continue Reading →

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