Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag superbug strain

Zombie With a Shotgun: A Kickstarter With a Unique Hook

Many Zombie films share the same tropes, where the remaining humans fight to survive against the hordes of the undead and, at times, themselves. Zombie with a Shotgun takes an interesting approach, putting the Zombie as the protagonist, fighting against… Continue Reading →

Doc of the Dead

Doc of the Dead explores the Zombie genre and the many prominent figures who have helped propel the undead craze to untold depths.

Marvel Zombies 4

Picking up where Marvel Zombies 3 left off, Morbius has gathered a group of anti-heroes to form the all-new Midnight Sons. Their mission: Hunt down and destroy all of the undead, and stop the two creatures who started it all,… Continue Reading →

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