Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Will the G.I. Joe Franchise Survive the Snake Eyes Flop?

Per Matt If the only things you know about G.I. Joe come from the mediocre big-screen releases of the past 13 years, then you don’t really know Joe. With each outing, MGM and Di Bonaventura Pictures have teamed up to… Continue Reading →

We Need More WandaVision!

The Disney+ television series, WandaVision, has reached its end. The show, I will admit, was slow to start, but picked up steam by Episode 4. After that point, the show kicked on the afterburners, leading us on a twisting journey…. Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure: Blood Quantum

Per Matt First vampire Westerns, and now a Native American Zombie flick? It’s clearly a great week to bring some variety to My Guilty Pleasure!

Legion Embraces Its Final Chapter

Series Finales can be tricky things. Fans expect to have all their questions regarding their favorite TV shows answered and each of their favorite characters neatly wrapped up within a limited amount of time, while filmmakers, at times, simply use… Continue Reading →

Enjoying the Silence of A Quiet Place

I’ve never heard a movie theater so tense and quiet. A hush was over the rest of the audience, as if the slightest sound could doom the characters on screen. Then something would happen, the tension would break, everyone in… Continue Reading →

Red Machete: The Walking Dead’s Digital Series for a Tool

Tools of the trade in survival mechanics are incredibly important, but is a multi-part digital series devoted toward a weapon of destruction must-watch material? Apparently, the filmmakers of AMC’s The Walking Dead think so. Here’s our commentary about the first… Continue Reading →

Batman Ninja Poses Different Questions

What if Batman was a ninja in feudal Japan? That concept looks as cool as it sounds.

Wonder Woman Saves the (DC) World

The critics are loving Wonder Woman, and I am among them! This could be the film that signals a much-needed recovery for DC’s Extended Universe — a beleaguered series of attempts to join the venerable Marvel offerings which have dominated… Continue Reading →

Samurai Jack is Back From the Dead!

Jack is back. Back from the past. How ’bout that?

Iron Fist: In Defense of a Defender

Anyone who’s taken the time to run a search on Iron Fist or Danny Rand in the past week likely knows that the show hasn’t been well received. It’s been plagued by negative criticisms since its outset. Truthfully, the only… Continue Reading →

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