Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag symbolism

Unpacking Mother!

One of my favorite activities in a theater is listening to my fellow audience members as I head toward the nearest exit. As an occasional critic, I’ve found that listening to the audience’s reaction to a film is just as… Continue Reading →

Mother! is Probably Not the Movie You Thought You Were Going to See

I am not sure why Mother! has been marketed the way that is has, perhaps simply because they had no idea how to market the film. Actually, I’m not even sure how this movie got made. It almost felt like… Continue Reading →

Horror Movies Become Must-See TV

It seems like the new trend in horror television is to take great horror films and turn them into TV shows.

Beware Voodoo Village

As a kid, I read lots of National Geographic magazines. I loved the articles about ancient ruins and ghost towns. There was a certain arcane and magical charm that I saw in those decaying structures. It was easy to picture… Continue Reading →

The Meowmorphosis

What happens if you wake up tomorrow as a man-sized kitten? Supposedly, it is the End of the World, so anything is possible.

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