Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag terrestrial radio

Retelling The War of the Worlds

Per Matt H.G. Wells crafted one of the first — and possibly the best — interstellar conflicts with The War of the Worlds. Originally released as a serialized story in 1857, his was a genius tale describing a global alien… Continue Reading →

Rocketman Lands as a Musical Fantasy Film

Per Matt For years, Elton John has been trying to bring his story of seeking an identity to the big screen, and with Rocketman, it was mission accomplished. So, is his life story worthy of any cinematic awards?

Remembering Art Bell’s Legacy

Per Matt Friday the 13th usually occurs twice a year, generally conjuring up a variety of meanings to different people, including unlucky superstitions, religious connotations and even a horror movie franchise. But after Friday, April 13th will sadly include a… Continue Reading →

Birmingham Mountain Radio Interview: Will Lochamy

Per Matt Will Lochamy is a balancing artist. Not only is he the Yelp: Birmingham Community Manager, but he also co-hosts The Iron Bowl Hour on TV alongside his brother, Reed Lochamy, and is an On-Air Personality on Birmingham Mountain… Continue Reading →

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