Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization

Expedition Bigfoot: Hunting a Cryptid

What does it mean to hunt for a cryptid? By its definition alone, this is an animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated. So, how, exactly, can you judge a series that successfully tracks one?

See Something Strange? The Proof is Out There!

Casual encounters with Bigfoot? Lake monster videos while boating? Miraculous, unexplained phenomena? Is it all just a coincidence or maybe something else? The Proof is Out There!

In Search of Monsters, Travel Channel Seeks Bigfoot

The reality of classic nightmare creatures living among us has been discussed, debated and in a variety of ways attempted to be proven real by paranormal investigators. The fear of the unknown has sparked different beliefs throughout the years that… Continue Reading →

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