Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag threat of eXtinction

Project Dorothy Fuels the Flames of AI Fears

Horror movies have long been masters at exploiting our deepest fears, but now, a new breed of terror emerges from the intersection of technology and the unknown. As artificial intelligence permeates every aspect of our lives, it inevitably seeps into… Continue Reading →

It Lives Inside Succumbs to Something Sinister

Returning to horror movies feels great. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love awards season. It’s a time when I get to witness the pinnacle of excellence across various categories and genres, contributing to a more well-rounded perspective as a… Continue Reading →

Alien Planet Deploys The-Enemy-of-My-Enemy-is-My-Friend Ideology

Frenemy is a term that has been used by teenagers across generations, encompassing various meanings. It can refer to someone you genuinely dislike, but pretend to get along with, or it can describe the collaboration between natural adversaries to defeat… Continue Reading →

Secret Invasion Should Awaken Marvel’s Small-Screen Success

The ninth installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is Secret Invasion, set to premiere on Disney+ on June 21st. Typically, I begin my reviews by providing some background on the comic book source material and delving into a comparison between… Continue Reading →

Preventing the End of the World Via The Lazarus Project

The end of the world is kind of a big deal. There are numerous threats to humanity which can be named, but the biggest one seems to be the human race, itself. Sure, there might be dramatic climate change, disagreements… Continue Reading →

Tammy and the T-Rex is a Jurassic Love Story

When I ask people to name a little-known film starring Paul Walker, no one has been able to identify his early projects. His film career began in 1986 with the horror-comedy, Monster in the Closet, then making a short jump… Continue Reading →

The Jurassic Franchise Finds a Way With Dominion

Per Matt Life may have found a way to survive Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park, but the world’s fascination with dinosaurs living among humans in a new millennium will surely fascinate millions more as the end of the franchise’s second trilogy… Continue Reading →

It’s Got Love, Monsters and Michael Rooker — All the Good Stuff!

Not too long ago, I saw an ad for a streaming movie called Love and Monsters, which I knew nothing about. Zilch. I’d never heard of the director before (Michael Matthews). I didn’t recognize the two lead actors (Dylan O’Brien… Continue Reading →

Honey is Money for the Bee Czar!

Bees, man. If you’re not careful around the little buggers, it could easily be lights out for you. Good thing Walter Schumacher turned a passion project into a career, as the Bee Czar saves bees from people and people from… Continue Reading →

From Brings a Killer Mystery to EPIX

Per Matt If you were trapped inside a small town with a location loop and hunted by creatures of the night, how would you react? EPIX presents these mysterious circumstances in the new horror drama, From.

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