Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag travel

Will Invaders from Proxima B Land Its Out-of-This-World Premise?

People — myself included — love campy sci-fi movies because they provide a unique blend of nostalgia, humor and creativity. These films often embrace their low-budget roots and outlandish premises, delivering a whimsical escape from reality.

Eli Roth Gets Demonic with The Legion of Exorcists

Per Matt Eli Roth has been a welcome addition to the Travel Channel lineup. The filmmaker, known for his brutal horror films, has seemingly slashed his way onto the network’s permanent programming grid, providing some pretty good chills in the… Continue Reading →

What Actually Happened at The Devil’s Academy?

During a time long before security cameras within high schools became a reality, the Miami Aerospace Academy incident of October 25th, 1979, still haunts many. What really happened that fateful day? Was it a demonic infestation, mass hysteria or something… Continue Reading →

Tidings of Terror Tells True Season’s Greetings

For Christmas Day, I chose to briefly pause the current FYC awards season in order to watch a new program that sparked my interest purely from its title. And it only seemed natural to watch today, offering Tidings of Terror… Continue Reading →

Eli Roth’s Urban Legend Harvests Familiar Terrors

The Travel Channel Takeover is nearly complete. Eli Roth has upped the quality of horror on the network during Ghostober and beyond with not only one program, not two series, but three TV shows for the spooky season… and then… Continue Reading →

Shudder’s Superhost Reveals the Dark Side of YouTube

In this digital age, we are familiar with the deluge of content creators on YouTube. Many people have found a very comfortable living for themselves creating videos about anything and everything on God’s green Earth. You want a video series… Continue Reading →

Jason Hawes Explores the Most Terrifying Locations

I’m all about good ghost stories. I mean, I love them! Having grown up (and returned to live in) a house that’s almost 200 years old that includes several graves of its previous inhabitants located within jumping distance of my… Continue Reading →

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