Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Vikings in America

Ghosts’ Bed and Breakfast Meets Maximum Capacity

A house doesn’t have to be haunted in order for lingering spirits to be attached to the property. I believe in guardian angels, as well as mischievous souls stuck in Purgatory. Growing up in a very old farmhouse (which is… Continue Reading →

CBS’ Ghosts Unearths Spirits of Beetlejuice

Per Matt October is here, so spooky spirits must be near. As a Child of the ’80s, I was intrigued by the paranormal. So, when a filmmaker fascinated by the macabre (Tim Burton) brought an undead hellraiser (Michael Keaton) to… Continue Reading →

Josh Gates Explores Lost History on Expedition Unknown

Urban legends, unsolved mysteries, ancient artifacts and missing evidence are all explored with archaeological glee in Expedition Unknown.

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