Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Walk/Bike Nashville

Previewing the Nashville Beer Festival

Per Matt This weekend, the fourth-annual Nashville Beer Festival will be moving into East Nashville to celebrate craft beer and community. On Saturday, September 20th, from noon to 6 pm, the Nashville Beer Festival will be taking place at East… Continue Reading →

Tour de Fat: Nashville Festival

Tour de Fat: It’s not a bike race. It’s not a concert. It’s not a beer fest. But according to New Belgium Southeast Field Brander Jared Burton, “It’s a Choose Your Own Adventure” festival.

Tour de Fat Interview: Jared Burton, of New Belgium Brewery

Per Matt New Belgium Brewery hosts a free event called Tour de Fat, which takes place throughout the United States, promoting its products and independent spirit. Entertaining events in the lineup include a sponsored downtown bicycle ride, magicians, singers, food… Continue Reading →

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