Welcome back to another great blog from #hauntlife. This week I am going to review the recent Krampus Christmas haunt at Nashville Nightmare. As always, when I review Nashville Nightmare, I want everyone to know that I do work for… Continue Reading →
The weekend of June 24th was just your average, hot, steamy day for most people in Nashville, TN. Many spent the day at the pool. Some mowed their lawns. Others had cookouts and family gatherings, not for anything in particular,… Continue Reading →
Picture it now: You and your friends are trapped inside the confines of one of the scariest haunted attractions in the country. Alone in the dark, you are being hunted by the walking dead, vile creatures hellbent on feasting on… Continue Reading →
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Don’t be THAT Person! What to Expect at a Haunted House!
Yes, the haunted house season, for this year, has come and gone. Many owners around the country are now looking at all the feedback they are getting online from customers, letting them know what they loved and hated about their… Continue Reading →