Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag A Clockwork Orange

Moonage Daydream Peeks into David Bowie’s Soul

Per Matt If you thought you knew everything about David Bowie, think again. You might be a huge fan of the musician’s glam-rock stage… but you may not recognize the different types of media he explored during his hiatus from… Continue Reading →

Beau Is Afraid is a Three-Hour Schizophrenic Episode

Throughout my life, I have seen many films that I thought were disturbing. At the tender age of 15, someone brought a copy of The Exorcist to watch at at my Halloween party. I made it to the crucifix scene,… Continue Reading →

Mother! is Probably Not the Movie You Thought You Were Going to See

I am not sure why Mother! has been marketed the way that is has, perhaps simply because they had no idea how to market the film. Actually, I’m not even sure how this movie got made. It almost felt like… Continue Reading →

Geek Culture and the New Era of Oscars

In less than a week, the 89th Academy Awards will commence. For the everyday moviegoer, the Oscars have commemorated a selection of niche films until recently. Though, often, art-house movies come away with the top awards, relatively popular movies clean… Continue Reading →

Surviving ScareFest 2013

Per Matt ScareFest brought the spookiness and the screams to Lexington, KY, in 2013.

Rash of Cancelations Cause ScareFest Outbreak

Per My Brother: I’m happy to report my brother shall be representing Zombies In My Blog at ScareFest, beginning tomorrow, Friday, September 28, 2012 and throughout the weekend in Lexington, KY. However, there has been a string theory of unrelated… Continue Reading →

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