Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag action scenes

The Monster Project Faux-Documentary Review

Welcome back to a new review here on #HauntLife, the blog by a haunter just looking to share the world of horror and pop culture. This week, I am reviewing the 2017 film The Monster Project by Director Victor Mathieu… Continue Reading →

The Hitman’s Bodyguard: An Action/Comedy Suprise

I walked into the screening of The Hitman’s Bodyguard with a lot of preconceptions and expectations on just how terrible I expected it to be. From every preview and commercial it looked exactly like another mindless, shoot ‘em up action/comedy and… Continue Reading →

I Turned Myself Into a Pickle! I’m Pickle Rick!

Why would anyone turn themself into a pickle?

Guardians Episode 2 Is Not Much Better

This would be a super short review if I simply told you that Telltale Games managed to release a second episode of their Guardians of the Galaxy game, entitled “Under Pressure” without using the obvious song of the same name… Continue Reading →

Friday the 13th: The Game Has Some New Content and a Purple Jason

Welcome back to #Hauntlife. I am your haunting host, Jason, and I am going to give you my review of the new content released on June 20th for Friday the 13th: The Game.

The Walking Dead Gets Above the Law in A New Frontier

In the last articles for Episode One and Two, I took a lenient approach to my review. For my next installments, I’m not going to hold back much. From this point on, the general mechanics, graphics and overall gameplay have already… Continue Reading →

Iron Fist: In Defense of a Defender

Anyone who’s taken the time to run a search on Iron Fist or Danny Rand in the past week likely knows that the show hasn’t been well received. It’s been plagued by negative criticisms since its outset. Truthfully, the only… Continue Reading →

Go, Go Power Rangers!

If you grew up in the ’90s like I did, then your Saturdays more than likely included the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. It aired on Fox and told the story of five teenagers who are chosen by the mystical Zordon… Continue Reading →

Telltale Games Takes The Walking Dead Into A New Frontier

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier is a video game series based on Robert Kirkman’s comic book series of the same name. Telltale Games, which has made a name for itself in the episodic interactive drama graphic-adventure genre, developed and… Continue Reading →

Captain America: Civil War From a #TeamCap Perspective

Per Matt As if employing a Choose Your Own Adventure marketing campaign, Captain America: Civil War promotes itself as a movie where superheroes are fighting superheroes and you, the viewer, must choose a side. It’s catchy and effective, but ultimately, it boils… Continue Reading →

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