Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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The Orville Season 2, So Far

I had been looking forward to the return of The Orville on television. I had enjoyed much of the first season and often watched it with my dad, who’s a big fan of sci-fi like the old Star Trek.

Aquaman Proves That Horror Filmmakers Should Get More Opportunities

Per Matt You don’t have to be a fan of superhero movies to enjoy Aquaman. You don’t have to read comics to enjoy Aquaman. And you’re not required to have seen any of James Wan’s horror movies to enjoy Aquaman… Continue Reading →

Mortal Engines: Whimsy, Star Wars and Beauty?

I’m excited about Mortal Engines. Sometimes a movie affects you in ways you never thought. I was intrigued by the title. After all, what the heck is a mortal engine? Once the movie started, I began to see the clever… Continue Reading →

Survival Horror Storyline Infects Mars

The exact moment when Mars switched from science fact/docuseries with dashes of futuristic science fiction to inevitable horror in outer space is when I fully realized this National Geographic series could get a bigger audience and should get the green light for… Continue Reading →

Netflix Creates Magic in the New She-Ra Series

I would classify myself as a kidult. I’m a 41-year-old father with two kids and I think this show is rad. She-Ra rides her winged horse deftly between the line of genuinely optimistic and subversively sinister. While She-Ra and the… Continue Reading →

Castlevania Whips Up the Action for Season 2

The band of vampire hunters is assembled, ready to take on Dracula and his hordes in Season 2 of Castlevania. With amazing anime-inspired animation and beautifully choreographed fights, this season is worth watching for its action scenes alone.

Nat Geo Gets Starstruck With Mars

Exploring the Red Planet absolutely fascinates me. There are quite a few stories that I absolutely adore that focus on Mars, the planet, including National Geographic Channel’s global event series, Mars.

The Wizarding World Expands With Grindelwald’s Crimes

There are Harry Potter fans and there are Harry Potter FANATICS. Call me a fan. There are some who are experts and can name every single member of every famous family, and then there are those who enjoy the books… Continue Reading →

The Gifted Delivers Intriguing New (Mutants) Scenarios

It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day for The Gifted. More than just a baby was delivered in the second season premiere of the TV show.

Once Again, Preacher Defies Definition as a TV Show

Jesse just wants his soul back. Tulip just wants to escape Gran’ma. Cass just wants to be with Tulip. A cult of wannabe vampires just wants everlasting life. Herr Starr just wants Jesse as his Messiah for a new world…. Continue Reading →

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