Per Matt A womanizer. A sleazy politician who uses his pulpit (and the power of the press) to push his priorities front and center, while never quite changing his bad behavior. Some would call him a fraud, but Giancarlo Esposito’s… Continue Reading →
Per Matt Organized crime. Gangsters. The Mafia. Crime lords. The kingpin. A mob boss. Hitmen. A made man. Wise guys. Every element depicting the true-crime aspect of America’s (and Italy’s) not-long-ago past always intrigues me, so I was very curious… Continue Reading →
Cleaning out my Tivo, I run across Rise of the Zombies… a random flick I recorded on the Syfy Channel. I don’t normally watch Syfy, let alone record low-budget movies that air on the channel. Regardless, I thought I’d give… Continue Reading →
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Look Out! Vincent Price Brings a Macabre Mystery to The Bat!
Per Matt Vincent Price. Those two simple words conjure up some of the spookiest, most horrific memories of watching memorable movies throughout my life. I have a deep love for the macabre and this actor absolutely symbolized everything that I… Continue Reading →