Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag animation art

Anime Series Aims to Give Blade Runner Franchise a New Life

We may not be getting another Blade Runner movie anytime soon, but we will be returning to the world of replicants in the form of an anime series in the near future. No release date yet, but when it airs,… Continue Reading →

Debating the Merits of Incredibles 2

For the longest time, The Walt Disney Company, as a motion-picture studio, generally never released sequels to its animated films in movie theaters. With the release of The Little Mermaid, followed by Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King… Continue Reading →

Previewing MTAC 16-Bit

The Middle Tennessee Anime Convention returns for its 16th-year anniversary on Friday, March 25 through Sunday the 27th, so attendees can expect a large celebration of anime, manga, popular arts and Japanese culture at the event.

Surviving Outside SDCC 2014

Per Matt Ever wonder if it’s possible to attend San Diego Comic-Con International and have a good time… without ever setting foot inside the Convention Center?

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