Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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We Need to Do Something Should Have Done Something Different

The horror genre has many different subgenres to choose from. It’s like Baskin Robbins: You have every flavor a scary movie fan could love. From slashers to psychological horrors, there truly is something for everyone. Like a lot of blood… Continue Reading →

April Fools’ Day Prank Gives Observant Fans a Rick and Morty Surprise

Wubba lubba dub dub! 

Flight 462: A Fear the Walking Dead Short on Character

Fear the Walking Dead: Flight 462, a 16-episode short film, attempts to generate interest in the show’s second season, but crashes way before the actual flight. Filled with Zombie outbreak tropes and with little time for character development, it is… Continue Reading →

Mythbusters Simpsons Special

Now in its 13th season, Mythbusters has focused on more pop-cultural science experiments, recreating the on-screen situations of Indiana Jones, The Transformers, The A-Team and The Simpsons!

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